Monday, November 12, 2012

LAD #11: Seneca Falls Declaration

The Declaration of Sentiments edits the Declaration of Independence and adds "that all men and women are created equal". It also goes on to state the grievances women have against the society in which they have been subordinate to men. It states that women have not been able to vote, have been forced to follow laws in which they have had no say in the formation of, have been withheld from rights given to degraded men such as natives and foreigners, and many more. Essentially it is the Declaration of Independence, except instead of the colonies against England, it is women against men. It also provides resolutions for these issues such as women should be educated in the laws of the country, that laws that make women inferior to men are contrary to nature and have no authority, and many more. In conclusion, women were created equal to men, and should be treated as such.

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