Monday, October 29, 2012

LAD #10: Monroe Doctrine

On December 2, 1823, President Monroe addressed Congress with the Monroe Doctrine. He stated that he wished to negotiate with Russia to create a friendship with the Emperor. He goes on to explain the difference between America and European alliances; that in America we only take part in war when our rights are invaded, however in Europe there are complex alliances. He believes that if Europeans try to create alliances with the United States that it should be viewed as a threat to our peace and safety. He goes on to say that any governments that have declared their independence should be free from European rule.
He also believes that Europe is unstable due to the events in Spain and Portugal, and that the allied powers should have controlled the internal problems of Spain. The United States' policy towards Europe remains that same: to stay neutral, and to consider the government de facto as a legitimate government.
Finally, Monroe states that it is impossible for the allied powers to extend their political system without endangering America's peace and happiness and reaffirms America's neutrality.

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