Tuesday, January 29, 2013

LAD #28: Wilson's First Inaugural

In 1912, the split in the election between Republican Taft and Progressive Roosevelt lead to the election of Democratic Woodrow Wilson. In his First Inaugural Address, Wilson spoke about the morals of the American people and the need for change in society. He first talked about how successful the Industrial Revolution was, but he also addresses the underlying issues it caused. The boom in industry had lead to much corruption, which needed to be combated. He spoke of "the human cost, the cost of lives snuffed out, (of) energies overtaxed and broken". He also admitted that the government "has too often been made use of for private and selfish purposes" and he is essentially stressing the need for reform. He promised reforms such as sanitary laws, pure food laws, and laws regarding conditions of labor. These promises were carried out through the Pure Food and Drug Act passed during his administration. He desired to restore the nation, rather than destroy it. Although he acknowledged that the nation is in need of a serious makeover, he conveys a message of hope for reform for his presidency.

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