Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blog #4- Revolution Article

Please read the article "Rethinking the Revolution" by John Ferling and list 5 things that you learned after reading it.

1. George Washington authorized Lt. Col. David Humphreys to write his biography, in which Washington revised or left out certain parts of his role in the French and Indian War that he didn't want people to know about. 
2. Before 1820, the fourth of July was celebrated by dwelling on the fallen soldiers and representing the sacrifice and suffering of the war. However, after 1820, the resistance of the colonies to Parliament such as the Boston Tea Party and the Sons of Liberty became more celebrated.
3. The paintings of the American Revolution have wartime feels, but there are none that depict a battle scene.
4. The Revolutionary War was very violent and the soldiers suffered greatly, although it has not been portrayed that way. Many soldiers were almost naked and didn't have shoes, and the American soldiers would steal the clothes off prisoners and the dead.
5. Civilians suffered greatly from the war; many died from disease spread by soldiers, their homes and food was raided by the British, and more than 100,000 Loyalists went into exile afterwards.

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