The envoy sent was Mr. John Slidell, who was received in the city, however the government of General Herrera was overrun by those who opposed the friendly relations with the United States. The government was placed in the hands of a military leader, General Paredes. Mr. Slidell was again rejected from meeting with the government, and left Mexico. Therefore, the government of Mexico broke its pledge to receive an American envoy and the offer of peace.
Polk had ordered the military to take position "between the Nueces and the Del Norte" to counter a Mexican attack on Texas. Meanwhile, Texas having been received into the union, had declared the Rio del Norte to be the boundary of the Republic. The troops were under the instructions to abstain from aggression to Mexico and assume that relations were peaceful unless war was declared. On April 24th General Arista dispatched 63 men to the Rio del Norte, where 16 were killed and wounded and the rest were forced to surrender.
In conclusion, America tried their best to reconcile with Mexico, but after repeated offenses of invasion war has been declared.
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